Callaway Junior Tour Season Wrap-up

The Callaway Junior Tour ended its season October 31 at Cordova Bay. Jim and Bob were the only people in costume for Halloween (as Statler and Waldorf from the Muppets) but did not partake (too much) of the candy on hand for participants.

Competitors weathered cold and windy conditions some very well including Preston Lightle and Georgie’s brother Cooper Alexander leading the Junior Division with 67’s which were only slightly better than the impressive 72’s shot by Chelsea Truong and Cindy Koira in the Girls Division. You can see all the results at our website at 2021 Callaway Junior Tour League :: Tournament Results (

As this was our last event of the year Order of Merit points are now finalized and can also be found at our website at 2021 Callaway Junior Tour League :: 2021 Callaway Order of Merit ( Prizes generously donated by Callaway Golf will be awarded to those placing in the top three positions in all divisions except for Alumni. Normally our awards are presented at the conclusion of our final event. This year’s awards will be presented at our kick-off event for the 2022 season. You’ll all be notified when the 2022 schedule is finalized.

It’s been a challenging year and a half since the pandemic arrived and changed all our lives. For Junior Golf Victoria it meant having to find a way to provide events without our main sponsor and at overly busy golf courses who sometimes had to limit the spots available and understandably needed to charge us a green fee. Not only did we survive but in fact had some of our largest fields welcoming a lot of new players. Challenges are often opportunities in disguise so we’ll be spending this Winter looking at how we might refashion our programs to be better than ever next year.

To all of you, thank you for your continued support, stay safe, keep your games sharp, and see you in the New Year.